COSMO Smart Asset | Machine Remote Monitoring

COSMO Smart Asset | Machine Remote Monitoring

Mobile condition monitoring of machines and equipment using IoT sensors

My Challenges

Machines and equipment must be maintained regularly—efficiently, safely, and sustainably. This is the only way to ensure stable production capacity. It's crucial to have real-time insight into current needs. Maintenance must be carried out immediately when malfunctions or failures are imminent.
If you want to plan necessary maintenance measures in advance, you need all relevant data about the condition of your machines and equipment regularly and reliably. And, above all, a simple solution that stores this information centrally so that it can be easily evaluated.
We have this solution.

How I will be supported

Imagine your company using a mobile condition monitoring system that collects, stores, and analyzes data with IoT sensors. Your entire team would have instant access to sensor readings, providing a complete overview of the current condition of machines and equipment. Additionally, the status of the sensors could be checked at any time through mobile devices.
All recorded data is stored centrally in a "digital machine file" and is available for analysis, evaluation and further planning. One glance is all it takes and the next steps can be planned. Similar to the "smart home", critical values and warnings are visually highlighted. This allows you to react quickly – you have a "smart business", so to speak.

My benefit

With COSMO Smart Asset, stable availability of machines and equipment is ensured. Your company can react very quickly to acute problems. The app is used to determine the cause of a malfunction or an anomaly that occurs. You can then navigate directly to the ERP system to initiate a maintenance order, for example.
The analysis of historical data helps you to make concrete forecasts about failure probabilities and to plan maintenance measures in advance. Additional information about the condition of the sensor indicates complications in the acquisition of the measured values at an early stage.
The convenient provision of information eliminates the need for a high level of training and ensures a high level of acceptance of the solution. Your employees enjoy working with it.

Smart Asset Management

  • Mobile web app in the Azure cloud
  • Real-time condition monitoring with IoT sensors
  • Additional information about the sensor condition

Increased reaction speed and stable availability of critical assets

Digital machine file

  • Central acquisition of sensor data
  • Central evaluation of sensor data
  • Forecasts of default probabilities

Reduction of breakdowns and predictive planning of maintenance

Smart information provision

  • Deployment similar to "smart home"
  • Highlighting critical values and warnings
  • Quick assistance through documentation

Low training effort and high acceptance by users

System Requirements

This app requires Microsoft Azure.

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COSMO Smart Asset
COSMO Smart Asset