The composer Gustav Mahler once said, "When the world ends, I'll move to Vienna. Everything happens there with a 50-year delay". He was referring less to the city's backwardness than to its coziness. No need for stress. Kaiserschmarrn, schnitzel and café au lait taste much better when you're relaxed. Even if the clatter of hooves on the cobblestones of the Old Town reminds you of the old days: Vienna is now a modern city. It is home to many corporations, banks and media companies - and a bridge between East and West.
Vienna's economic power, dynamism and international significance open up new market opportunities for the COSMO CONSULT Group. Our team supports international customers in their digital transformation and implements optimization projects in areas such as ERP, CRM and BI. Customers benefit from a holistic IT approach that combines technology and consulting. COSMO CONSULT is one of the world's leading Microsoft Dynamics 365 partners - and has a wide range of market-leading business technologies at its command. This ensures that all aspects of digital transformation are covered in its IT consulting.

Lothringerstraße 16/9, 1030 Wien
Tel: +43 50551 0
E-Mail: contact(at)
General Manager: Patrick Weilch, Dietmar Winterleitner, Head Office: Steyr, Commercial Register: FN 243542a, VAT Reg. No.: ATU58038233.
Our Management

Patrick Weilch
General Manager COSMO CONSULT SI

Dietmar Winterleitner
General Manager COSMO Consult SI Austria
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