Table of contents

The digital competence of employee’s and the development of a digital corporate culture is just as important as the discussion about new IT technologies. Both factors are critical for digital transformation to be successful. The changing world of work is making radical new demands concerning employees' skills. Above all that means

  • competence in dealing with digital media

  • the development of well-founded IT skills

  • competence in methodology and problem-solving

  • the ability to learn to do new tasks and

  • a readiness for lifelong learning.

Digital collaboration tools and document management systems are important building blocks for developing skills. They encourage networked collaboration and ensure that information and training materials are available to everyone. An information policy that is this transparent promotes a common culture for understanding digital transformation and its challenges. If you want to be successful with digital transformation, you thus need to be prepared to go down new paths: Change the way you think and learn. 

And by using digital technologies you are not just supporting your own employees. Microsoft uses digital platforms such as the Microsoft Education Cloud to share its own digital transformation know-how with its partners. 

We at COSMO CONSULT can provide you with support for the development of employees’ digital skills. 

How digital are you?

Our digitization check tells you where your company stands in comparison to the direct competition. You will find out in which areas you are already well positioned and where there is an acute backlog.

Check your digital maturity level



    Claudia Claßen

    Contact our COSMOnaut

    By Claudia Claßen

    Claudia is Product Marketing Manager and one of the contacts responsible for product marketing of the entire COSMO CONSULT portfolio (ERP, CRM, Data Analytics & AI, Modern Workplace, Cloud & IoT, HCM).

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    10 suggestions for successful digital transformation # 5 Invest in your employees