Digital transformation is not a product; it is not something you can by off the rack, and it does not have a price tag. It is more a philosophy, one that - if everything goes right - will alter your company in all areas.
Many consulting companies take a bird’s eye view of digital transformation, seeing it as something abstract, strategic, incomprehensible. Their experience is based almost exclusively on the projects of others. First-hand encounters with digital transformation are rather the exception than the rule.
At COSMO CONSULT, it’s not like that at all, because have been gathering experiences by practicing digital transformation on ourselves. That's how we know what we're talking about and that knowledge benefits our customers. After all, digital transformation is less about technologies than about long-term change in corporate culture.
Digital transformation starts in the head. This has two meanings in this context: On the one hand, the impetus comes from above and is therefore clearly a matter for the head of the company. On the other hand, every head in the company must be be on board to work together to achieve the potential of the digital future.
We therefore follow a different, more agile approach: Changing Thinking, before Changing Things!
Working together with you, we develop an individualized digital transformation plan, sharing our experience and then transforming your company one step at at time. This is exactly what our motto "Business Software for People" stands for. Just give us a call or send us an e-mail.
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