Cloud Migration

By switching to the cloud, your company will always work in a secure IT environment. What's more, you can always rely on the latest technology and react flexibly to changing conditions.

Maximum freedom - moving IT systems to the cloud

You face the waves of change of increasingly complex IT landscapes and rising security requirements as if on the high seas. Naturally, you want to promote closely networked and stable collaboration within your workforce. You can achieve this through open, integrated systems along your processes.

By switching to the cloud, your company will also benefit from greater flexibility and better scaling. Be inspired by holistic solutions and benefit from the advantages of significantly leaner IT administration.

Advantages of a cloud migration

Innovative strength

Strategic cloud utilisation strengthens your competitiveness and enables you to meet dynamic requirements innovatively.


The Microsoft Cloud is a protected harbour for your data, where you always work with the latest technologies.

Optimised cost-benefit performance

You can quickly organise your capacities to suit the situation and benefit from needs-based costs.

Increased agility

The cloud enables you to implement new technologies, applications and services in no time at all.

Full speed ahead: Your strategy for moving to the cloud

With the cloud, you can rely on up-to-date, secure and powerful IT that will accompany you even in turbulent times. A cloud migration strategy ensures smooth implementation and management. By assessing your current infrastructure, identifying suitable workloads and defining security guidelines as well as continuous monitoring, you can set sail for your journey to the cloud. With accompanying change management, you get everyone involved on board. This ensures that your crew work efficiently in the cloud and receive the best possible support in their work.

Cloud migration in 3 steps

Your individual requirements determine the choice of migration method. The following three steps will give you an initial orientation:

Planning and design

To get on track, start with a thorough evaluation of your existing systems. By defining your goals, requirements and priorities, you create a clear roadmap for selecting your cloud services and methods. Flowcharts and checklists will guide you through your digitalization project. A successful cloud migration strategy is the result of teamwork. Make sure you identify all stakeholders and get them on board in good time.

Step-by-step migration

Start with a step-by-step approach. Set sail with a test environment and migrate selected applications and simple services. Validate your processes, identify challenges early on and establish best practices. This experience will help you to create a smooth transition, first to hybrid IT and then to a full cloud infrastructure.

Continuous optimization

During the migration, we ensure a seamless transition with minimal downtime and an eye on your data integrity - until you are safely anchored. Like a lighthouse, continuous checks and adjustments to your cloud services show you the way to future-proof operations.

Agility. Optimization. Switch to the cloud. Security. Innovation. Agility. Optimization. Switch to the cloud. Security. Innovation. Agility. Optimization. Switch to the cloud. Security. Innovation. Agility. Optimization. Switch to the cloud. Security. Innovation. Agility. Optimization. Switch to the cloud. Security. Innovation. 

Further services relating to the cloud

Cloud Services

The cloud is your efficient alternative to your company's internal IT infrastructure. The centralised source of information reduces system disruptions and analysis options offer you greater efficiency and innovation. With the right cloud consulting, you benefit from your personal cloud strategy.

To cloud services


Microsoft licence management

Rely on licence management with experience. Together, we create a customised licence strategy as an important success factor for your digital transformation. With careful licence management, we also support you in the long-term adherence to licence rights and software compliance.

To licence management

Our claim that the windows offer ‘great outlooks’ means that we act proactively when it comes to customer care, and in doing so, we have been implementing a CRM system for years. From the perspective of a medium-sized company, I consider the change to the Cloud a great gain: Instead of having to shop around for a new system every five years, the solution provider will take care of all updates. As a result, we will always remain state-of-the-art with the CRM.

Florian Schmidinger, Managing Director of Schmidinger Fenster und Türen

We have to be able to go from 0 to 100 at any time. That only works with cloud-based solutions. That's why it was very clear to us that we would go with Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

Mihael Iljic, Digital Manager Europe, TITAN MACHINERY

We chose the cloud version of Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM to avoid having to update every few years. It is always up to date and we have the possibility to expand the system very easily in the future.

Alexander Knor, Head of Marketing & Sales Operations at LogicLine Europe

Often I don't remember if I saw an Excel spreadsheet in a chat or received it as an attachment or link. By entering the name, I find the current version in Microsoft 365. I see that a colleague is working on it and I call him right away.

Michael Hochhold, Head of IT and RnD at Leyrer + Graf.

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Cloud Migration