COSMO Safety Instructor

COSMO Safety Instructor

Interactive briefings or instructions always and everywhere available

My Challenges

Safety briefings are important, no question about it. But they can also involve quite a lot of work. Visitor groups, for example, cannot enter the site until they have been briefed on the necessary safety regulations. This can take some time with larger groups. And now imagine that the individuals also speak different languages.
Even normal employee training, for example on data protection or topics relevant to occupational safety, is work-intensive and time-consuming. The necessary documentation of the instructions makes for even more work. And if it is paper-based, it cannot be evaluated centrally afterwards.
Here comes a briefing on simplicity.

How I will be supported

What if you had an app that lets you create as many briefings as you want and deliver them digitally in multiple languages? Connected to the Microsoft Azure cloud, all employees, customers, and visitors can access it anytime, anywhere, keeping them informed and, most importantly, safe.
For groups of visitors, the prescribed safety briefings are ready in advance - mobile and in the required language. So visitors already know all the necessary safety regulations when they arrive at the site. And even in the case of upcoming work, the relevant instructions are handled in advance. No more time is wasted here.
Following the digital instructions, the newly acquired knowledge can be tested with a multiple-choice test and confirmed with a valid certificate. And last but not least, everything is stored digitally.

My benefit

With the COSMO Safety Instruction web app, you can provide all necessary instructions and briefings for employees, customers or external service providers at any time and always up-to-date.
The role and/or location-based assignment of instructional content ensures targeted instruction. The documentation with all necessary information such as status and duration of validity is automatically done in the system and can be evaluated at any time.

Gain various product insights

COSMO Safety Instructor and included apps
COSMO Safety Instructor and included apps

COSMO Safety Instructor and included apps

Safety instructions in advance

  • Mobile WEB app in Azure cloud
  • Central authorization management
  • Role-based authentication

Significant savings in resources and time

E-learning for various tasks

  • Content can be designed as desired
  • Several multiple-choice tests at random
  • Multilingual

Optimized safety instructions

Digital authorizations

  • Immediate access authorization thanks to online certificate
  • Assigned access authorizations and certificates can be viewed at any time
  • Reduction of paper-based processes

Digital tracking of instructions at any time


  • Mobile web app on fully scalable Microsoft Azure Cloud
  • Mobile, location-independent processing of safety briefings
  • Central authorization management
  • Role-based authentication
  • Multilingual
  • Role-based e-learning and multiple-choice tests
  • Personal data are processed in accordance with the applicable data protection regulations

System Requirements

This app requires Microsoft Azure

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COSMO Safety Instructor
COSMO Safety Instructor