COSMO Regulatory Affairs | Compliance Management Software

COSMO Regulatory Affairs | Compliance Management Software

Comprehensive compliance with regulatory requirements with digital approval processes

My Challenges

All business processes in the company must take into account individual compliance standards. This means not only that you comply with the applicable rules and laws, but also that the internal guidelines in the company are followed. Failure to meet compliance standards can result in major financial risks. In the worst case, the reputation of the entire company is at stake. 
Compliance requirements are often very complex. Every day, risks and documentation obligations have to be managed effectively and efficiently, and particularly critical areas of compliance must ideally be secured with standardized approval processes. This includes things like verifying the identity of users at the time of approval and the corresponding documentation about it. This is hardly feasible manually.
Rely on a digital compliance solution.

How I will be supported

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, your company already has a comprehensive ERP system with configurable workflows – so your approval processes are already organized. But just imagine how much more efficient your company would be with compliance management software:
For each workflow, you determine who in the company is responsible for an assigned task and how many approvals are needed. Implemented approvals can be easily authenticated and documented. You create complex configurations with individual conditions and procedural branches. And you can easily configure individual approval workflows for processes in production and manage different workflows.
COSMO Regulatory Affairs complements the workflow functionality of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central with important functions that make it easy for you to meet regulatory requirements. This means more security and a good feeling for everyone – internally and externally.

My benefit

COSMO Regulatory Affairs integrates the release and approvals for compliance-critical business processes into the ERP system. System integration improves process quality, standardizes workflows and makes them more transparent. Media discontinuity is avoided and costs and processing times are reduced.
Complex regulatory requirements are met and documentation and verification obligations are consistently adhered to. With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central, it is always possible to track what information was available at the time of a decision, which criteria were checked and who gave approval.
Your company avoids financial risks, your credibility is guaranteed and the image with regard to quality standards to be implemented is strengthened.

Gain various product insights

Overview COSMO Regulatory Affairs
Overview COSMO Regulatory Affairs

Overview COSMO Regulatory Affairs

Integrated digital approval processes

  • Extended workflow functionality of Business Central
  • Uniform approval processes without media breaks
  • Direct integration of process owners into the ERP system

Improved process quality and cost reduction

Compliance with regulatory requirements

  • Templates for critical processes
  • Single Factor Authentication for approvals
  • Automated logging including audit trails and documentation

Avoidance of financial risks and increased credibility

Management of complex approvals

  • Mapping of conditions and procedural branches
  • Test procedures with one approver or with multiple eyes principle
  • Easy management of all workflows

Greater transparency and overview of complex processes


  • Workflow templates for production
  • Changes to production order components, including insertion and deletion
  • Certification of plan headers and plan header versions
  • Blocking and unblocking an article
  • Changing steps, step arguments and rules in existing workflows
  • Additional security through single-factor authentication (SFA)
  • Enhanced Approval Protocol to Ensure Audit Trail

System Requirements

This app only supports the Premium Edition of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.

Microsoft AppSource certified.

This COSMO product is available on Microsoft AppSource.

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COSMO Regulatory Affairs
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