COSMO Maintenance Management

COSMO Maintenance Management

Streamlined maintenance processes for greater operational efficiency and production yields

My Challenges

You’re likely familiar with this scenario: Maintaining plants involves fulfilling extensive operational obligations. For the regular inspections of technical and structural equipment (assets), you need intelligent tools to support you in planning, executing, and evaluating these tasks.
An inspection obligation often cover a few hundred pieces of equipment, all of which must be taken into account during maintenance work. But all too often, the current maintenance management system fails to meet the growing demands.
In addition, more and more companies have the opportunity to transform maintenance processes – i.e. to digitize them and network them across departments. This increases the general competitive pressure. Your company also needs to embark on the path towards the digital future.
We are the partner at your side.

How I will be supported

Discover all the advantages of maintenance management software: It all starts with an inventory of the digital maturity level of maintenance. Subsequently, your company will receive recommendations for action and support in the selection of a suitable, modern maintenance management system.
Another component is the possible networking with the Microsoft ERP system. As a result, important information from the maintenance of assets is available centrally and across departments. But conversely, the data from other departments are now also available for maintenance management.
Want more? The additional integration of solutions from the IoT environment (Internet of Things) and with IoT sensor technology makes it even more digital. Here too, COSMO CONSULT will advise and support you in planning and efficiently implementing your way to digital maintenance.

My benefit

The COSMO CONSULT solution for maintenance supports you in the implementation of a modern maintenance management system. As a result, your organization can better perform maintenance and reduce asset downtime while increasing production yields and operational efficiency.
The integration of the system with the Microsoft ERP system facilitates cross-departmental collaboration. Maintenance processes can be planned, booked and evaluated more effectively because both systems use the same database. In addition, employee satisfaction increases, as maintenance work becomes easier.
By leveraging IoT solutions and sensor technology, companies can develop "smart assets." Incorporating data from these solutions into maintenance work allows for predictive and more informed decision-making, particularly for critical equipment.

Gain various product insights

Foody Goodie Maintenance Management
Foody Goodie Maintenance Management

Foody Goodie Maintenance Management

Determination of digital maturity level

  • Taking stock with DigiCheck
  • Recommendations for action on the digitization of maintenance
  • Selection of the appropriate maintenance management system

Increased competitiveness through digital maintenance

Integration of IoT

  • Intelligent solutions through IoT connection
  • Available on digital platform and mobile
  • Condition Monitoring System

Forward-looking planning and increased operational safety

Reduction of redundant data silos

  • Integration of enterprise asset management and ERP system
  • Use of master data from the ERP system
  • Standard reports from the ERP system for maintenance

Facilitation of cross-departmental collaboration and higher employee satisfaction

System Requirements

This app requires Microsoft Azure.

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COSMO Maintenance Management
COSMO Maintenance Management