COSMO IoT Sensors Management | Asset Tracking Software

COSMO IoT Sensors Management | Asset Tracking Software

Track and trace system for equipment, materials, tools, machines, vehicles and personnel

My Challenges

In everyday life, "please" and "thank you" are two well-known magic words. At work "real time" is one of those magic words. Important data of relevant and critical assets must be available at all times and preferably immediately, because waiting is not an option. It's not that easy without the right technology. If you don't have the ability to visualize this data – such as position, status or condition data – in modern dashboards, then you quickly have a real problem.
For comprehensive process optimization and predictive maintenance, your company needs reliable simulations and analyses, but where do you get these features? 
We'll show you.

How I will be supported

Here’s a glimpse of your company’s future: You have a tracking and tracing system that reliably transmits critical asset data to your IT systems via sensors and gateways, such as through the cloud. COSMO CONSULT’s solutions, along with those from its technology partners, deliver data from the Internet of Things (IoT) for specific use cases almost in real time—thanks to the combination of sensors, networking, and cloud technology.
With the help of tags and sensors, existing assets can be specifically upgraded for special industrial IoT solutions. Wireless data transmission is based on efficient IoT infrastructures, such as the LoRa radio network. With the COSMO Object Tracker app, all important sensor data can then be centrally managed, analyzed and visualized. 
This sustainably improves productivity, reduces errors and waste, lowers costs and makes your company much more flexible overall – and your customers happier.

My benefit

COSMO CONSULT supports your company in setting up and operating IoT cloud platforms, as well as in connecting IoT devices. 
The new infrastructure, including the available sensor data, enables simulations and analyses for process optimization (predictive analytics) and predictive maintenance. The intelligent use of sensor data reduces search, inventory, book and scanning effort, among other things, and enables better utilization of critical assets.

Gain various product insights

Graphical overview COSMO IoT Sensors Management
Graphical overview COSMO IoT Sensors Management

Graphical overview COSMO IoT Sensors Management

State-of-the-art sensors and infrastructure

  • Sensors and tags (Bosch, Dräger, Henkel, Premiso)
  • Sensor data in the cloud
  • Efficient radio infrastructure (e.g. LoRa) with partners

Investing in future-proof technology and infrastructure

Object tracker app

  • Central system for all sensor data
  • Interface to the Data Hub
  • Collection and visualization of sensor data

More stable and efficient processes

Evaluation of the sensor data

  • Visualization and dashboards (Microsoft Power BI)
  • Simulations and analyses with artificial intelligence (AI)
  • Predictive Maintenance and Predictive Analytics

Cost reduction, e.g. for maintenance

System Requirements

This App requires Microsoft Azure.

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COSMO IoT Sensors Management
COSMO IoT Sensors Management