COSMO Inventory Management | Inventory Management Software

COSMO Inventory Management | Inventory Management Software

Optimal stocking of stores

My Challenges

Inaccurate planning leads to discrepancies in the stocking of stores as a result of manual redistribution. We also lack information about delivery times and delivery conditions, such as minimum order quantities, or about changes in demand at short notice. Due to these uncertainties, we have no means of reacting quickly to bottlenecks.
Seasonal fluctuations and sudden changes in demand don't make planning any easier either. If inventory management is faulty, you can quickly have too many products in stock in the off-season, while potential customers are in a bad mood in front of empty shelves during the peak season. 
But there is a solution that will allow you to always have exactly the right amount of goods in the right place in the future.

How I will be supported

Inventory management uses a time-series analysis technique to identify effects such as seasonal variations, sales cycles, and the impact of promotions at the merchandise category level.
You can analyze the current inventory situation by item, store, and size, and use the measured effects to analyze demand for the remainder of the season. The result is an optimal basis for stocking your stores. It also significantly reduces your inventory management effort.
Inventory management is the perfect foundation for stocking your stores. Using a method from time series analysis, the software determines the effects of seasonal fluctuations and sales cycles as well as the effects of promotions at the category level. 
This allows you to precisely analyze the current inventory situation per item, store and size and use the measured effects for your company. Demand over the course of the season becomes more predictable and you can then plan your inventory optimally. Without any clairvoyance.

My benefit

With inventory management, you have demand-driven and yield-based inventory optimization that also takes delivery times and delivery conditions into account. You can reduce residual stocks and cut stock transfer costs. Individual expert know-how is transformed into digital knowledge that other employees can also access.
Individual expert knowledge of individuals becomes digital knowledge of all. In this way, your employees work better together and make better decisions based on well-founded information. 

Maximize availability

  • Inclusion of supplier restrictions
  • Dynamic optimal inventory options for all stores and items
  • No out-of-stock situations in the stores

Almost complete ability to deliver due to high planning quality

Create transparency

  • Overview and control over all stock regardless of the assortment size
  • Automation of scheduling decisions by up to 50 percent
  • Knowledge transfer to employees by experts

Transparent further development through white box solution

Minimize inventory

  • Increase profit margin
  • Savings in storage space
  • Reduction of distribution costs

Reduction of inventories while ensuring availability


  • Inventory Management
  • Time series analysis
  • Demand-driven and yield-based inventory optimization
  • Automation of scheduling decisions

System Requirements

This app requires Microsoft Azure.

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COSMO Inventory Management
COSMO Inventory Management