COSMO Incident Management | Incident Management Software

COSMO Incident Management | Incident Management Software

Documentation of quality-relevant processes

My Challenges

Paper may be patient, but it's far from ideal when it comes to quality management processes in your business. The processes quickly become confusing and important information can be lost. Everything takes longer and the lack of overview creates a high risk for compliance with regulatory requirements. It's no wonder that an upcoming audit makes you feel queasy. 
On the other hand, resources for quality management are often limited. Ideally, the company's own employees should be involved without the complexity of everyday life becoming too great. 
It's time for more transparency in your processes.

How I will be supported

What would it be like if your company used a central software that would make your incident management processes more transparent and effective? Everything would be fully automated and automatically run better: With a low-code/no-code platform in the background, your employees can easily redesign and customize forms, workflows or views so that everything fits your company's needs.
Quality-relevant processes are documented centrally and complete documentation is guaranteed. Process transparency and audit trails provide peace of mind by giving everyone involved a clear picture at all times. Even deficiencies identified in FDA warning letters are no longer a cause for concern.

My benefit

COSMO Incident Management can be easily integrated into Microsoft 365, SharePoint Online and Microsoft Teams, and other Microsoft Dynamics products can be easily integrated. Even the integration of systems from other providers is possible. As a result, companies remain flexible in their processes and can react quickly to changing conditions.
There are extensive standards for a quick start, such as clear dashboards, online help and reports for the most important key figures.  

Everything at a glance

  • Keep an eye on all processes, regardless of the source
  • Don't miss any deadlines and identify bottlenecks in time
  • Monitor, regularly evaluate and document key figures

Transparency and clarity

Easy to use

  • Simple user guidance and access to all content and processes at any time
  • Device-independent and always up-to-date
  • Brought to the users step by step – with little training effort

High user acceptance

Future-proof and flexible

  • Rapid implementation of the standardized solution
  • Flexibly adaptable and grows with user requirements
  • Qualified implementation and operation

Grows with the requirements


  • Recording of quality-relevant processes
  • Procedural flexibility thanks to low-code/no-code platform
  • Stand-alone operation and integration into the application landscape

System Requirements

This app supports Webcon BPS.

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COSMO Incident Management
COSMO Incident Management