COSMO Environmental Services | Waste Management Software

COSMO Environmental Services | Waste Management Software

Industry solution for the waste management and recycling industry

My Challenges

Worried about waste disposal? No wonder, because the daily tasks in your waste disposal company are becoming more complex. It's no longer just about disposing of waste. The production of high-quality secondary raw materials is also important – and this is demanding. For example, you need to ensure that the raw materials are free of chemical residues and hazardous substances.
The core processes are becoming more and more complex and it is anything but easy to easily map all material flows and properties while maintaining an overview of recycling, dismantling and mixing processes. This data must then also be linked to authorities, customers and the administration.
But fortunately, there is a simple solution for this.

How I will be supported

Imagine your company using software specifically developed for the waste management and recycling industry. Suddenly, everything runs more smoothly. Your team can easily manage container-related services, plan routes efficiently, and utilize the integrated scale module whenever needed.
All material properties are constantly documented and the material flows can be easily tracked. Everyone in the company works perfectly together and for a common goal: the success of the company.

My benefit

COSMO Environmental Services ensures innovative separation and processing of waste. And recycling is also becoming more efficient. This has a direct impact on your turnover, because the higher the quality of the secondary raw materials, the higher sales prices can be achieved.
While you have a reliable overview of all relevant data, you also gain important insights about your company. This transparency ensures flexible billing of incoming and outgoing material flows as well as efficient revenue-cost calculation. Better processes, better workflow and better mood. 

Gain various product insights

Graphical overview COSMO Environmental Services
Graphical overview COSMO Environmental Services

Graphical overview COSMO Environmental Services

Simple management of agreements

  • Business relation management
  • Amended product master with waste-related material classifications (European waste classification, UN regulation, ADR, GHS)
  • Contract lifecycle management with built-in approval workflow

Efficient solution for all operational tasks of waste management

Tracking containers and mobile goods

  • Manage containers and mobile assets
  • Keep track of containers at internal and external (customer/vendor) locations
  • Container and asset rental

Revenue-cost calculation for all incoming and outgoing material flows

Planning work and transport

  • Manage work orders for services and materials
  • Manage long-term transport and collection routes
  • Day to day vehicle route planning

Innovative separation, processing and recycling of waste


  • Extended mapping of business partners and relationships
  • Contract management including mapping of industry-typical material and cash flows
  • Order processing for incoming and outgoing material flows
  • Container management (monitoring and business evaluation)
  • Long- and short-term transport planning
  • Integrated weigh scale solution
  • Recording of sorting, recycling and production processes

System Requirements

Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Supply Chain Management is required as the basic ERP system.

Microsoft AppSource certified.

This COSMO product is available on Microsoft AppSource.

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COSMO Environmental Services
COSMO Environmental Services