COSMO E-Commerce | The overall solution for online trading

COSMO E-Commerce | The overall solution for online trading

New business opportunities through seamless online trading

My Challenges

Marketplaces, webshops, price comparisons, social media – it is not so easy to pick up customers online at their favourites. There are many of them and the purchasing behaviour can change accordingly. A business model that connects all sales channels creates a uniform shopping experience.
The more sales channels there are, the more demanding it is, a uniform sales experience (Customer Journey) to implement, content across provide and develop the right strategy for product information management. In addition, it is necessary to flexibly adapt each individual channel to the brand identity and personalized shopping experiences to create.
Suppose there is an e-commerce solution that is so flexible that you can easily implement all your requirements playfully. And what if this solution contains a platform that can be easily expanded and easily integrated into your IT infrastructure? This would be a solid basis for your future growth in the online business.

How I will be supported

You know that for sure: If you dance on several weddings, it can go down and over quickly. And if in online trading descriptions or prices are uneven, this is not only confused by your customers, but also your team. With a holistic, powerful e-commerce platform, you operate your business in a central location. All your online content is not only consistent, but can also be easily adapted. Just once – for all channels, for example by visual editing or accessing the code. The perfect framework to implement a brand strategy consistently and successfully.
Hand on the heart: When do you have the first thought about making money on the Internet? But here must sit every step and Process should be perfectly matched. Servicesoffer COSMO e-commerce support our consultants your team, a modern and industry-independent E-commerce platform that fits perfectly with your customers and your business. So benefits Your company of highly automated e-commerce processes and a seamless Connection central corporate solutions, like Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central.
Are you traveling internationally on various markets? Perfect. Our e-commerce solution makes it easy to align your business globally even on the Internet. For example, you can translate your content into different languages – either automatically or manually. In addition, the platform controls several currencies and supports additional distribution channels, such as social media. You could say that your content is growing automatically and you can reach people around the world through the most diverse channels. And the best part is: They have little extra effort, because all information is centrally managed on a single, powerful platform.

My benefit

Experience how strong an e-commerce platform your system landscape singletwhen central areas such as e-commerce, content management, marketing or Product information management will be bundled in one place. If interfaces are lost, your IT structures will be slimmer and thus your system costs will fall. Your team will also be thrilled, as daily work becomes much easier. Instead of changing laboriously between program windows, your employees are now working on a single location.
If e-commerce platform and business applications, such as the ERP system, merge into a harmonious whole, you don't need to worry about interfaces and data exchange. Your company profits from stable processes that cover all phases of the sales seamlessly. And because our e-commerce platform can easily be expanded by additional modules, you can expand and digitize your online activities at your own pace.
With COSMO e-commerce, your team can publish content with few handles in different languages, in several countries and on different channels. And become your corporate design requirements at least consistently implemented. This makes it a lot for your team simpleto implement globally uniform brand strategies. And your company the all over the world the wisely perceived.

Gain various product insights

Overview of COSMO CONSULT's commerce platform with end-to-end front-end, commerce, PIM and back-end processes
Overview of COSMO CONSULT's commerce platform with end-to-end front-end, commerce, PIM and back-end processes

Overview of COSMO CONSULT's commerce platform with end-to-end front-end, commerce, PIM and back-end processes

Scaling of Content and Brand

  • Full adaptation to individual brand strategy
  • Various languages, currencies, payments and taxes
  • Comprehensive standard functionalities for B2B, B2C and D2C

Support for corporate growth and future security

e-commerce automation

  • All technologies and tools for e-commerce under a roof
  • Integration in central enterprise applications
  • AI-based functions for products and workflows

Efficient and scalable business processes

Integrated multi-channel strategy

  • Connecting Central Market Places
  • Marketing social media
  • Integrated POS (point-of-sales)

Improving customer experience & high customer satisfaction


  • Seamless integration into Microsoft Dynamics 365 product family
  • Set up online sales in a few steps
  • Integrated functions for B2B, B2C and D2C commerce
  • Scalable enterprise applications in the Back End
  • Flexible adaptable to the brand identity (Corporate Design)
  • Manage product options and variants
  • Simply translate content and connect channels
  • Customer-specific prices and targeted pricing

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COSMO E-Commerce
COSMO E-Commerce