Our COSMOnauts in Germany, Austria and Switzerland have a choice of four projects that they can support with a donation:
- SOS Children's Villages, which is committed to the rights of vulnerable girls and boys in 135 countries worldwide and gives orphaned children a home.
- The organisation CARE, which works in 90 countries with mainly local staff to overcome need, poverty and exclusion.
- And the Open Knowledge Foundation, which develops technologies and tools to enable free and open access to knowledge.
- Of course, our COSMO-wide partner Plant-for-the-Planet is also involved, working on new growing ecosystems and intergenerational solutions to the climate crisis.

In Sweden, COSMO CONSULT's donations are focussed on supporting UNICEF. In doing so, we contribute to their mission to create a better world for children. UNICEF works around the world to save and improve children's lives through healthcare, nutrition, clean water, education, emergency relief and more.

COSMO CONSULT donates to Spanish food banks for the birthday children in Spain. These aid organisations provide those in need with basic foodstuffs and also aim to counteract food waste. In this way, we are working to combat hunger and promote people's health and well-being.

The Hungarian COSMOnauts can help the following three regional organisations with their birthday donation:
- Tábitha House has set itself the task of providing terminally ill children with a dignified and loving environment for the rest of their lives.
- Csodalámpa alapítvány fulfils the wishes of children with life-threatening illnesses.
- 10 millió FA plants 10 million trees and ideas that go beyond planting trees worldwide and involve people in the process.
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