For Beginners: AL Programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central

  • In this training course, you will learn how to set up a modern development environment,
  • app programming for Business Central,
  • customising and extending BC installations and
  • the integration of your own apps using events and interfaces.

Dates to choose from:

  1. 11/26/2024 - 12/20/2024

The course ‘For Beginners: AL Programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central’ provides you with comprehensive knowledge of AL programming, which is essential for customising and extending Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central (BC). With AL you can manipulate data in the BC database, control application objects such as pages, reports or code units and develop your own modules that extend your Business Central installation or adapt it to your specific business requirements.

You will learn how to create or extend data structures, add new application objects and customise the user interface, reports and analyses according to your needs. The course shows you how to implement your own apps that change and improve the behaviour of your Business Central installation through the use of event mechanisms and interfaces.

Special emphasis is placed on the use of a modern development environment consisting of Visual Studio Code, DevOps, git and Cosmo Alpaca. You will learn the basics of structured programming and how the principles of object-orientated programming can be transferred to the AL world. Through top-down design, you will gain the ability to create maintainable and efficient code.

You will apply your theoretical knowledge in practice by developing two training apps: a dangerous goods module and an extended discount module. In this way, you will deepen your knowledge and gain valuable experience that you can use directly in your professional practice.

The series of appointments will take place on the following days from 09:00 to 13:00: 26.11., 28.11., 04.12., 06.12., 11.12., 13.12., 18.12., 20.12.

Target group

This course is aimed at all developers and consultants who require a technical understanding of the Visual Studio Code development environment and would like to acquire basic knowledge of the application functionality.

General basic programming knowledge is essential.

Interested parties with experience in programming Navision / Business Central in the C/AL language are recommended to attend the course "Dynamics 365 Business Central - Extension development with Visual Studio Code".

Learning objectives

After attending the AL developer training, you will have acquired the following knowledge:

  • What does a modern development environment look like and how do I set it up?
  • How does app design for Dynamics 365 Business Central work?
  • How does database programming work with the AL language?
  • How do I customize the behavior of a Dynamics 365 Business Central installation by integrating my own programming?
  • How do I use events or interfaces to integrate my own apps into existing installations?


The training takes place in a digital seminar room via Microsoft Teams.

Please note that you need rights to install software on your computer in order to participate in the training. If you have any doubts, please clarify this with your IT department in advance. Another technical requirement for participation in the training is that "SSH" connections can be established from the device used and that there are no (firewall) settings that implement IP blocking in the range

The training will be held in English.

We would like to ask you to switch on the camera during this in-depth training. In our opinion, this is the only way to achieve maximum training success.

Can also be booked as a company training course

Do you have a larger team and would prefer to book this training as a company training course on a separate date?

We offer this for a flat rate of €6,720 with a maximum of 4 participants. Simply send us a request to


Module 1: Introduction to the development landscape and low-code app design

  • Introduction to the modern development landscape
  • App infrastructure
  • Low code app design: Tables and pages
  • Low code app design: Table and page extensions
  • Properties of objects and their elements
    • Table relations
    • Visibility
    • Editability
    • Calculated fields / FlowFields...
  • Exercises using the example of the ‘Hazard Category Module’

Module 2: Database programming with AL

  • Basics of the AL programming language 
    • AL language elements and control structures 
    • Data types 
    • Procedures 
  • Programming against the Business Central database 
    • Table objects 
    • Instantiation of table objects 
      • Single instance objects 
    • Database accesses 
    • Control of transactions 
    • Temporary tables 

Module 3: Application programming - integration of the ‘Hazard Category Module’

  • App organisation: Naming conventions
  • Determining the behaviour of fields / objects: Programming of triggers
  • Integration of customisations / apps in existing installations 1: Use of events
  • STOP Introduction to structured programming STOP
  • Exercises using the example of the ‘Hazard Category Module’
  • Integration of customisations / apps in an existing installation 2: Interfaces
  • Exercises using the example of the ‘Extended Discount Module’ 

Your good feeling

More than 150,000 trained users

Learning from experts

Our trainers are real project managers who know your daily challenges.

Practice-oriented approach

All content is taught directly in the system using real problems.

René Lange

Consultant & Trainer

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    For Beginners: AL Programming in Dynamics 365 Business Central
    Price/person: 2240 €