The Champions League of IT Consultants

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Gero Brinkbäumer

On 28 June, Germany’s former Federal President Christian Wulff presented COSMO CONSULT with the prestigious TOP CONSULTANT trophy. This is the eighth year in a row that Europe's leading Microsoft digital transformation partner is playing in the Champions League of the best IT consultants for mid-sized companies.

Two thumbs up from customers

How do you manage to be elected to the ranks of the best IT consultants in the country eight times in a row? "Our customers provided the answer to this question", says Uwe Bergmann, CEO of COSMO CONSULT. When awarding the TOP CONSULTANT seal of quality, customers of the applicants' play the central role.. Their opinion is decisive.

For many years now, the TOP CONSULTANT title has been one of the most important awards for consulting companies. In an extensive, rigorous survey, the candidates are examined according to strict criteria - and the satisfaction of the existing customers, taken together with the company’s expertise, is the most important factor of all.

Empathy is key

"We are looking for companies with personalities that think in a practical and solution-oriented way and provide advice accordingly. Ones that communicate well and can empathize with the situations of mid-sized companies," says Professor Dietmar Fink, who holds the chair of Consultancy and Management Development at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences and is the academic director of the survey.

Christian Wulff, who has been a  TOP CONSULTANT mentor for many years, also says that having the right consultant can make the decisive difference. This is the main reason why he thinks that the title is so important: "It gives consultants worth recommending the attention they need to reach potential clients and even contenders in complicated markets."

A guide to the consulting jungle

Because that is the actual goal: to make the consulting jungle easier to navigate. According to the Federal Statistical Office there are almost 100,000 service providers in the IT and communications sector. The TOP CONSULTANT seal of quality is a reliable guide to high-quality IT services in a vast field.

The fact that COSMO CONSULT has now been selected for the top consulting league for the eighth time in a row makes it clear that as a globally active Microsoft Dynamics partner and expert for digital transformation the company is not only concerned with quality and expertise, but also with continuity. For CEO Uwe Bergmann, this is crucial: "In times of great change, you need an IT partner you can rely on."

A partner for the digital age

The change he is talking about is digital transformation: Companies of all sizes and from all sectors are facing significant change. New digital products and services, artificial intelligence, automation, big data - all these call traditional ways of thinking and business models into question. And at the same time, great opportunities for the future are opening up.

"All companies will sooner or later have to find their path into the digital future," says Uwe Bergmann. "It is important not to travel this path alone, but rather to have an experienced partner at your side - a partner that not only knows the theoretical side, but that, like COSMO CONSULT, has also experienced and implemented digital transformation in their own company.”


An award says a lot about what a company is capable of. Winning that award eight times in a row says a little more. It is not a coincidence, not luck, not a one-time thing. COSMO CONSULT has once again been given the highest award for IT consulting companies - thanks in particular to the extremely positive feedback from its customers. As a TOP CONSULTANT, the digital transformation expert is thus also officially one of the best in its sector for 2019.


Would you like to learn more about COSMO CONSULT’s award-winning  services? Or are you interested in a job or apprenticeship with one of the best employers? Just give us a call or send us an e-mail. We look forward to hearing from you!


Gero Brinkbäumer

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Gero Brinkbäumer

Gero is a journalist with heart and soul and has been an enthusiastic chronicler of digital change for 25 years. At COSMO CONSULT, he is particularly interested in how technology can make work and life more human.

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The Champions League of IT Consultants