Important information for COSMO CONSULT customers,
Everyone is talking about the threat posed by the Java logging library log4j. Further details you can find on Wikipedia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Log4j)
In this context we have checked our current product portfolio for the use of the insecure library. None of our products does use this library. Furthermore, we are also in close contact with our partners. Here, too, no adverse effects have been identified so far.
Except one case caused by the manufacturer Qlik, which has communicated relevant information regarding the use of log4j via the following link:
If, contrary to our expectations, new findings emerge, we will inform you immediately.
Please share this information with relevant roles in your company.
If you have any questions, please contact our regional support, your direct contact person at COSMO CONSULT or the central product support (product.support@cosmoconsult.com).
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