Many companies, although small, have high standards for their IT. Measured by company size, IT investments are then often very costly. The COSMO CONSULT Group, which specializes in digital transformation projects, is now bringing a solution to market that lets you implement ERP projects completely or partially on your own. The COSMO Digital Consultant is tailored to fit the cloud-based Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP system. It guides users through installation, setup and adding any system extensions step-by-step, using training videos, configuration packages and instructions among other things.

Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are leaner than medium-sized companies, but their processes are often similarly complex. This might be, for example, because of the need to meet legal requirements or high quality or safety standards. The demands that these companies place on their ERP systems are therefore not very different from those of larger companies. This often leads to relatively high costs for IT investments in relation to the size of the business. A large part of the expense is for advisory services and knowledge transfer.

DIY ERP projects

This is exactly the juncture where the COSMO Digital Consultant comes into play. It is a virtual consultant that allows users to configure and implement the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central ERP enterprise software on their own in just a few clicks of the mouse. "The basis of the ERP system is standardized and therefore the same every time. Expenses are incurred primarily for training, configuration and set-up, i.e. for traditional consulting. Using the COSMO Digital Consultant, companies can set up their software on their own and build up the knowledge base they lack by themselves," said Daniel Schmid, Chief Portfolio Officer (CPO) at COSMO CONSULT. For example, in the area of financial accounting, videos show how to create accounts and prepare for the transfer of old data with a checklist. "In principle, it's like building a house: if you do some things yourself, you save money. Those who leave everything to the experts end up having to pay more," Schmid said.

Implementing ERP projects quickly, flexibly and cost-effectively

Other aspects of the COSMO Digital Consultant include data packages and instructions. The software can be used not only for new Business Central installations but also for the expansion of existing systems. "In such scenarios, medium-sized and large companies also profit from using COSMO Digital Consultant. You can implement follow-up projects at lower cost or do more with your existing budget," says Jan Grefe, Managing Director at COSMO CONSULT. Because there is less reliance on external consultants, projects can be implemented more flexibly and completed more quickly. However, there are two prerequisites for the use of the COSMO Digital Consultant. "First of all, it is important that the company has the necessary capacity to implement IT projects on their own. Second, you don't have to be an ERP expert, but you do need to have a certain affinity for IT topics," Grefe says.

Available starting now

The COSMO Digital Consultant came out of an innovation competition held by the COSMO CONSULT Group last year, where it was one of the top 3 most innovative ideas. The technology is available starting now in the Microsoft AppSource and can be used free of charge. However, there may be costs for components such as software, modules and training courses that are booked through the COSMO Digital Consultant.


Björn Lorenz

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Björn Lorenz

Nothing is more exciting than progress, Björn thinks. Seeing how technology is changing the world of work and writing about what that does to people is very inspiring.

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