The COSMO CONSULT group, an international IT service provider that is the largest Microsoft Dynamics partner in Europe, has been awarded the prestigious TOP consultant quality seal for the sixth time in a row, placing it among Germany's best consultancy firms for small and medium-sized companies. The seal of quality is awarded jointly by compamedia and the Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft für Management und Beratung (WGMB), a society for management and consulting research, within the framework of the TOP consultant benchmarking initiative. In this process, a nationwide survey is carried out, to assess consulting firms according to research criteria, specifically in terms of customer satisfaction.
Enterprise solutions are not just a matter of software – it is also important to work with a reliable and experienced implementation partner. The sheer number of IT service providers makes it hard to choose one, however. To provide reliable guidance to medium-sized companies in particular in their search for high-quality and proven services, the TOP Consultant seal of quality was launched. The certificate is awarded only to companies which are distinguished by their customer-focused, SME-oriented consultancy services. To ensure this, applicants must undergo a comprehensive, methods-based test procedure, in which customer satisfaction in particular is documented.
With this year’s selection as TOP Consultant, COSMO CONSULT has now received the coveted quality seal for the sixth time in a row. "Medium-sized companies expect consultants to communicate with them on equal footing to develop individual solutions for their specific challenges", says Professor Dietmar Fink, who holds the chair for management consulting at the Bonn Rhein Sieg University and is the academic director of the survey. "The TOP Consultants show very impressively that they meet the needs of their customers and think outside the box. In the complicated jungle of consultants, the TOP Consultant seal gives customers guidance that they can trust."
"Business software for people" is the guiding principle of COSMO CONSULT. With over 750 employees in 34 international locations - twelve of which are in Germany - the company is a leading provider of Microsoft-based industry and business solutions for discrete and process manufacturing, trade and services. Its medium-sized customers place emphasis on criteria such as standard functionality, industry suitability and investment security. "However it is equally important that software is a tool that is made for people. And people in turn are what make up a company's success", says Uwe Bergmann, CEO of COSMO CONSULT. In addition to implementation and system management, the ERP service provider therefore offers a wide range of services that ensure that the software is not only implemented in a company, but also part of company life.
"Our receiving the TOP Consultant seal of quality multiple times shows that this approach is the right one”, added Uwe Bergmann. "Medium-sized enterprises are not only the backbone of national economies in the German-speaking markets. They are also an important pillar of our business. We are medium-sized ourselves and therefore understand very well what is important and what factors determine success. One thing that is important for us is that people are the focus of everything we do. Modern software technology can only show its strengths if it serves the people in the company and helps them to realize themselves in their work."
Germany’s former Federal President Christian Wulff, the mentor of the consultant comparison, presented the TOP Consultant seal at an official awards ceremony in Essen on June 23 at the fourth Deutsche Mittelstands-Summit, a summit for German SMEs. The certificate is awarded for the period of one year.
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