A new version has paved the way for the automation and data exchange technologies known in Germany as “Industry 4.0”.

For more than twenty years, EDUR Pumpenfabrik Eduard Redlien GmbH & Co. KG, which specializes in liquid and multiphase pumps, has been working with Microsoft Dynamics NAV. When it was time to switch to the latest version of the ERP system, the company took the opportunity to optimize key processes. In COSMO CONSULT, EDUR had a partner at its side that knows something about discrete manufacturing and has the necessary capacity to implement large projects.

More transparency, more efficiency

In manufacturing, the project team succeeded in simplifying the preparation for production: A multilevel article structure gives employees more insight into the complex range. Checklists make it easier to choose of suitable parts and components. Important information such as lists of parts and product drawings are centrally available in one place. The transparency gained improves the quality of service. Today, employees are even able to provide information when the customer’s request does not relate to their area of expertise. Mobile scanners are replacing classic PC workstations in production logistics. One scan is sufficient to obtain, for example, information about the manufacturing status of a component. Elaborate coordination processes are no longer necessary, nor are the obligatory accompanying documents. 

The course is set for the future of manufacturing, “Industry 4.0”.

For the pump specialists, the bar and QR codes are only the prelude to a far-reaching automation of processes. As part of predictive maintenance, in the future, when an EDUR pump reaches the end of its life cycle anywhere in the world, sensors will automatically inform service technicians. The sensors measure vibrations and heat generation, and they log the values continuously in the enterprise software system. If deviations are detected, preventive maintenance appointments are offered the customers to avoid standstills in advance.


    Gero Brinkbäumer

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    Gero Brinkbäumer

    Gero is a journalist with heart and soul and has been an enthusiastic chronicler of digital change for 25 years. At COSMO CONSULT, he is particularly interested in how technology can make work and life more human.

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    COSMO CONSULT migrates EDUR-Pumpenfabrik. The course is set for the future of manufacturing, “Industry 4.0”.