COSMO CONSULT is now also present in Peru

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Björn Lorenz

The COSMO CONSULT-Group, which specializes in business solutions from Microsoft, now has a presence in Peru. Following Mexico, Colombia, Chile, Panama and Ecuador, COSMO CONSULT Perú SAC is the software and consulting company’s sixth national representation in Latin American. By setting up a location in Peru, it has strengthened its international presence and underscored its commitment to support and assist companies as they grow.


Having and international presence is of central importance for the COSMO CONSULT-Group, the world's leading Microsoft Dynamics ERP partner. "Local service is important to many customers - even globally active companies. They often prefer local partners. With our international presence we can create efficient solutions - across national and cultural boundaries," says Uwe Bergmann, CEO of the COSMO CONSULT-Group.


One goal of COSMO CONSULT Perú SAC is to support Peruvian companies with advanced Microsoft technology. "With our experience and offerings in the areas of e-commerce, cloud computing and digital transformation, we are helping to optimize the national and international business processes of Peruvian companies," explains Bergmann. In addition to local subsidiaries of international groups, the software company's customers now include local businesses and institutions such as the Chamber of Commerce in Lima. The main target groups are manufacturing companies, project service providers, national and international trading companies as well as the construction and automotive industries.


By establishing a presence in Peru, COSMO CONSULT is also extending its global network of consultants. The international implementation and support of ERP, CRM and business intelligence systems are among the core competencies of the COSMO CONSULT-Group. Its experts support both medium-sized and globally active companies at 33 locations in Europe and Latin America. "The mix of local proximity and global thinking makes international projects unique. Thanks to our international presence, we are able to master critical challenges such as cultural differences, different legal systems, language barriers and different value systems," says Bergmann.


    Björn Lorenz

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    Björn Lorenz

    Nothing is more exciting than progress, Björn thinks. Seeing how technology is changing the world of work and writing about what that does to people is very inspiring.

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    COSMO CONSULT is now also present in Peru