Just one day after the release of version 10 of the ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, the COSMO CONSULT group has launched updates for three established industry solutions. The timeframe for the technical implementation of new releases was actually three to four months. Cosmo Consult’s tradition of close cooperation with Microsoft and participation in the Microsoft Preview Early Access Program paved the way for the rapid roll-out.
Since the autumn of last year, new update rules have been in place for the ERP solution Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations: In addition to minor monthly releases, major updates with new functions are released each April and October. Companies can however only benefit from continuous integration if they promptly update to version 10 of the enterprise software released at the beginning of April 2019. This also applies to all solutions based on that version. The COSMO CONSULT group was one of the first Microsoft partners to introduce industry solutions in the look of version 10, in this case just one day after Microsoft put the new release on the market, namely the solutions cc|print and packaging, cc|environmental services and cc|operation scheduler.
Our close partnership with Microsoft really pays off
It is above all participation in the Microsoft Preview Early Access Program (PEAP) that makes this rapid development possible. Martin Radda, product manager at COSMO CONSULT, stresses that the long-standing partnership between the two companies also has a positive influence on the process: "We have been working closely with Microsoft for many years, and we do advance testing of new releases. Our development processes are thus well coordinated. This allows us to have the information we need at an early stage and to take care of the preliminary and technical work necessitated by new releases in a timely manner so that we can develop our products in line with the standard. The prospect of going live almost at the same time as Microsoft is naturally a particular incentive." The normal time frame that Microsoft sets out for such adaptation work is usually three to four months. Because COSMO CONSULT’s industry solutions are available from the day after the release, customers can immediately use the new release without restrictions and profit from the new functionality early. "The market is very interested in putting new versions of software into operation quickly. Many companies hope for a competitive advantage from doing so - at least a temporary one", says Roman Eder, ERP operations manager at COSMO CONSULT. As a technology leader, the software and consulting company wants to maintain its ambitious release cycle for future dates.
Three industry solutions ready for version 10
There is no need to worry that rapid software development comes at the expense of quality. All three industry solutions are distributed via Microsoft App Source and have been quality-tested and certified:
- cc|print and packaging is an industry solution for the packaging sector that allows users to make calculations for new products without having to have all the details. You can efficiently control production and take advantage of transparent management information on special dashboards.

- The industry solution cc|environmental services is aimed at recycling and disposal companies. Some of the most important functions are container management, scheduling and route optimization as well as the the optional integration of truck scales.

- cc|operation scheduler is a graphical planning board for production control. It allows users to quickly identify conflicts and make better plans for the available materials.

Do you also want to benefit from new functionality as quickly as possible? Just call us or send us an e-mail. Then we will talk about the best way to implement this.
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