COSMO CONSULT has introduced cc|scout, a new solution that provides help simulations and step-by-step instructions from within almost every Windows or web-based business application, offering users uncomplicated, context-based support in the everyday use of their enterprise software. The solution allows you to record workflows with the push of a button, edit them in Microsoft Word, and make them automatically available within the respective applications in all desired formats and up to 19 languages.

Today, digital information technologies have established themselves in all areas of business. A vital factor is however often neglected: the people who work with the software. For enterprise solutions to develop their full potential, users must be optimally trained. In addition to this, new questions always come up in the day-to-day use of newly implemented software tools because the processes have still not been mastered or details have been forgotten. If users have to search for solutions to their problems in extensive documentation, online or via a help desk, they may find it very time consuming. This has a negative effect not only on efficiency, but also on personal motivation, especially in the important introductory phase.

In cc|scout, COSMO CONSULT offers a tool that provides your employees exactly the help that you need when you need it from within all your solutions. Whether in the form of a short step-by-step guide, an audio or video simulation or a detailed process description - all answers are immediately available via the menu with only two clicks. It is as easy to create these help guides as it is to access them: The system includes a powerful screen capture engine that allows you to automatically create screenshots and instructions in Microsoft Word for the actions that take place live on your screen.
In addition to the tools for the creation and distribution of the help content, cc|scout also offers various functionalities to let you manage the documents efficiently to meet the requirements of your individual workflow such as review, feedback, approval, monitoring and reporting. With cc|scout you can also manage documentation that already exists and make it available in a context-sensitive way just like all other help documents. Beyond this, COSMO CONSULT offers additional services ranging from support with the creation of individual help content to taking on the complete preparation of documentation including hosting.
"With cc|scout our customers can reduce the time required for creating help documentation by up to 90 percent", explained Gerrit Schiller, Director and Chief Operating Officer of COSMO CONSULT. "Also training costs and the help desk burden will be significantly reduced, sometimes halved." In addition to these impressive gains in efficiency, according to Gerrit Schiller the use of cc|scout is worthwhile for a another reason: "The solution simplifies the day-to-day use of software tools; the work is easier to do; and user satisfaction is higher as a whole - and this is a big win for the general working environment as well as for the productivity of the entire company."
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