Erste Group AG

Erste Group is today one of the leading banking groups in Central and Eastern Europe. It serves around 16 million customers in 7 countries. The employees take care of all financial matters in the private and corporate customer business, in the public sector, in the capital markets and in the interbank business. The technological and legal environment in the banking sector is constantly changing. Erste Group is actively responding to these changes in order to create added value for its customers with a modern CRM system. One of these projects concerned the requirements of three business areas of the banking group - namely Group Large Corporates, Global Markets and Erste Group Immorent: In order to map the international structure and complexity as well as to meet security standards and bank-specific processes, COSMO CONSULT introduced Microsoft Dynamics CRM within two years.

The banking industry had changed and increasingly focused on the customer. It was therefore also important to introduce a system that focused on the customer and therefore all customer-related processes and documents as well as the entire communication with our contacts. The most important information should be available to our sales staff in a well-structured manner at the push of a button.

Elisabeth Reiser-Eckelhart, Senior Solution Manager at s-IT Solutions AT Spardat GmbH

Initial situation

Own developments or previous systems had become outdated and could no longer meet current requirements. In addition, a comprehensive integration into Microsoft Outlook was not possible and the lack of web integration did not allow any sustainable further development. In addition, a large number of third-party systems were used, for example for trading processes or as data and information suppliers. This heterogeneous system landscape created media disruptions and was costly to operate. In addition, a 360° customer view or efficient deal and pipeline management was not possible.

The challenge

The greatest challenges lay in the complex structure of the Erste Group, because it was necessary to unite the many grown organizations in the national companies and to meet the security requirements in the banking environment. The requirements of three business divisions had to be covered from different starting points in a common solution. In addition, the migration of inventory data from the old CRM solutions to the new CRM should have no effect on the daily work process and should not influence the inventory of sensitive customer data. The restrictive security, rights and role concept customary for banks also had to be taken into account. In addition, a total of four parties were involved in the project - the business divisions as users, Erste Group IT, an outsourcing partner and COSMO CONSULT as implementation partner. The high number of contacts and responsible persons ensured a complex project communication.

What problems and consequences did the unsolved problems lead to?

Due to the large number of systems, collecting all relevant information was often difficult and time-consuming.

Solution Provider

In the sense of a long-term orientation, the software partner should be selected as a provider that has proven itself on the market, whose product has been tried and tested in practice, is future-proof and is consistently further developed. From now on, Microsoft Outlook should serve as a center for internal and external communication.

Three different starting situations

Erste Group Immorent began its project on the basis of the Sage SalesLogix (SLX) pre-system. Erste Group Large Corporates and Erste Group Global Markets started from their own developments. These previous systems were to be replaced by a uniform new solution that meets all previous requirements and also offers added value, for example in the areas of deal and pipeline management, account planning and the mapping of a structured financing process.

The solution - Why COSMO CONSULT?

The complex structure presented required a partner with know-how in banking and the ability to manage large projects for the introduction and implementation of the new CRM software. After evaluation of different providers, the experts of COSMO COSNULT were chosen, who convinced with extensive references, the ideas and the implementation concept. COSMO CONSULT knows the requirements in the banking sector from numerous projects - on the one hand to make data available in real time, on the other hand to guarantee the strict data protection regulations. In addition, COSMO CONSULT (formerly FWI Germany or Global Concepts) was already known to Erste Group Immorent as a reliable partner for many years within the framework of the previously used CRM system SLX.

The solution - Why Microsoft Dynamics CRM?

Microsoft meets Erste Group's requirement for a reliable manufacturer that guarantees investment security and sustainability. Data protection, rights and role concepts can be easily mapped with the Microsoft Dynamics CRM solution as a state-of-the-art CRM system that supports internationality, complexity and security concepts. The system was to be operated on-premise and establish an XRM approach within the group that would provide the basis for mapping bank-specific processes with deep integration into Erste Group's backend systems. In addition, the web-enabled CRM allows Outlook to be set up and used as a central and reliable communication hub.

Project participants & communication

Due to the large number of participants, communication was a critical success factor for this major project. The project team consisted of the specialist departments, Erste Group IT, an outsourcing partner who operates the application on its servers, and those responsible at COSMO CONSULT.

The benefit

With the introduction of the uniform CRM, a large number of backend systems were merged with all the data stored in them. The users of the respective business areas now benefit from clarity, clarity and uniformity. Cumbersome long searches for data are no longer necessary - this gives them more time for contact with their customers and improves service quality. Paper-based processes are now a thing of the past, because everything is stored electronically and centrally. All legal and regulatory requirements are fulfilled with Microsoft Dynamics CRM - and in some cases even more strictly than required by applicable law.

Employees now automatically have a simple and always up-to-date overview of their deals or pipeline. Product or sales managers can use the new CRM system to plan KPIs with their employees and thus determine how the individual customers are to be looked after. Another key feature of the new system is a structured financing process that contains all relevant information from the customer's initial inquiry through to approval by the responsible bodies. This ensures that all internal and external security and due diligence rules are observed. In addition, every process is now simple and traceable at all times.

An important point for Erste Group is future-proofing in order to ensure modern banking. The new CRM system creates the prerequisites for mobile scenarios and flexible adaptations to changing requirements in the banking environment. The project was completed by COSMO CONSULT within the specified time frame and all requirements were met. With their industry knowledge, the employees of COSMO CONSULT were important input providers for the user areas and the IT of Erste Group. By the consolidation of the systems the expenditure is reduced now in the enterprise of the CRM solution.

The benefits at a glance

  •     360° view of the customer: all relevant information in one system
  •     Constantly up-to-date overview of deals and pipelines
  •     Planning of customer service according to KPIs
  •     Increased transparency and security in decision-making through a unified, integrated process
  •     Interfaces only to one system
  •     Outlook as central communication system
  •     High acceptance of the new user interface and mask adaptation, as paper work has been replaced by digital, lean processes.
  •     Implementation of mobility scenarios thanks to the web-enabled system
  •     Keeping various possibilities open with a multi-faceted CRM system for the heterogeneous requirements of a bank

Do you need help?

Jan Lödige is responsible for the reference management of COSMO CONSULT. His focus is on unleashing the full potential of satisfied customers as convincing references through the synergy of relationship management, strategy and marketing.

Jan Lödige

Jan Lödige

Customer Relationship Manager

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Erste Group AG