The Wrong Mindset

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Torsten Harnack
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Have you changed the way you think yet?

Anyone who thinks that digital transformation is a process of change that affects mainly the IT department is wrong: It is the entire organization that changes. Digital transformation is a company-wide transformation.

As an organization is maintained by all its employees, transformation is not just about the technology, it's also a matter of mindset. Transformation takes place when the individuals involved in the process change the way they think. In turn, new ways of thinking change the entire organization, and as a result, the entire business model.

Digital transformation happens first in the mind – hence it is the employees who lie at the heart of the digital agenda.

Get everyone digitally on board

If you're planning a new business model, then you need to have everyone on board. The digital agenda is doomed to failure from the very start if the majority of employees feel excluded, or perceive the change as something outside their control.

Stress and even existential fears are often associated with a lack of directional thinking. Of course it isn't easy to change your own mindset, nor to adjust how you think – this is something we experience personally every single day.

The key: A good story

If you intend to implement a digital agenda, then you need to make sure that everyone involved has a common vision. The change needs to capture both heart and mind – and be a tale well told - good storytelling- can inspire every participant and accompany them on their journey.

Storytelling can be the key to replacing crippling uncertainty with a positive digital vision. The story you tell about the change will create both an intellectual and an emotional connection. And the more people that tell the story and make it their own, then the greater the success.

When was the last time you sat around a campfire?

Storytelling is not only an important management instrument. Storytelling can unfold its full effect when all employees are involved and continue to spread the story. One example of this are small, moderated discussion groups (Corporate Campfires), where employees have the opportunity to share what they think about the digital agenda. This is how a story can be developed in which everyone is involved.


A well-crafted story can help your employees to better understand the transformation and become familiar with the future. A story focused on the company objectives can show your employees exactly which role they will personally play in the shared future of your business.

What can you do to inspire enthusiasm in your employees for the future? Do you use storytelling in your company? And if so: What's your "story"?


Torsten Harnack

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By Torsten Harnack

Torsten is an expert in industries with batch manufacturing, plastics processing, and automo-tive sectors. As a driving force, he establishes global partnerships and enhances the success of COSMO products.

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The Wrong Mindset