The Wrong Infrastructure

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Time to clear the dead wood!

As digitization advances at a breathtaking pace, companies are finding themselves under increasing pressure to respond to the challenges ahead in a timely manner. Here, modern, flexible and networked enterprise software generates data en masse, data that will need to be used for future decision-making within the digital value chain.

Fair to cloudy

To run a large plant, machine rooms or data warehouses, and to simultaneously ensure continuous hardware and software maintenance, a traditional in-house IT system is usually neither well-enough equipped, nor does it have the personnel required. A cloud-based infrastructure is the best way to meet this challenge. This kind of infrastructure allows you to scale your enterprise IT as needed, without having to change the size of your team. And optional service agreements with the cloud provider guarantee its essential 24/7 availability.

Think outside the box

If you want to take advantage of cloud-based strategies today, then you will also need to overcome your old habits and how you usually do things. It helps to ask the following questions:

  • Do your current work processes, which are still controlled manually, have optimization potential with a view to automation?
  • Do you systematically harness the entire potential of your enterprise data to optimize your decision-making process using artificial intelligence and machine learning?

Focus on greater flexibility to meet the new challenges. Expand the existing infrastructure with scalable functions. Think outside the box


Ask questions. Question yourself! You can still be happy with yourself and your decisions later on. Give serious and careful consideration to new investments. Advanced software architecture is a prerequisite for the future – because the future is digital!

Ask COSMO CONSULT how we have transformed ourselves into a fully Cloud-based company using Microsoft Azure technology. Contact our data & analytics or IoT experts to find out how you can master your business challenges using a modern, intelligent enterprise solution.

Have you already heard of the COSMO CONSULT Digital Maturity Check? If you would like to know where you currently stand in terms of digital transformation and how you can get ahead quickly, then simply click here!


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The Wrong Infrastructure