The reel in every variety

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Reel slitting, rewinding and converting

Converting a large reel into smaller ones? Cutting the reel to format? Or cutting sheets from a reel? Whether it’s rewinding, cross-cutting or cutting to size with a roll saw, the industry solution Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations Reel manufacturing handles every operation on the software side and offers all the features you need. It’s specially designed for usability and lets you generate data that’s transparent, comprehensible and analyzable.

Reel slitting is important for nearly every reel-manufacturing industry with flat material. Reel slitting machines are utilized as separately scheduled resources in plastic, paper and metal manufacture. They're also used for preliminary production operations, preparing materials for printing machines, coating plants, laminating machines, sheeting production systems, paper machines and rolling mills. Their basic task is to cut a large reel (often called the parent reel) into one or more smaller reels or sheets. Reel slitting can be implemented as batch production or as a work step in a production operation. It can also be used for small-scale production for order-based raw material production or made-to-stock production.

The Reel manufacturing team has taken the individual applications of reel slitting into account and created several solutions in conjunction with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations.

Optimizing reel manufacture with Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations

Raw material cutting as production

Sometimes you need to schedule resources for slitting, i.e. tooling and operation on a machine. Or sometimes you need to assess additional material requirements (e.g. cores) and report and post the times and consumption figures. That's when it makes sense to map slitting as a production order in the ERP system. The cc|product cockpit lets you set this task up easily and clearly, turn it into a production order and use Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations to schedule and post the order. cc|reel manufacturing offers the preliminary and final costing logic required to perform accurate quantity calculation. With cc|pda (production data acquisition), you can also easily and efficiently report the reel work step and post the times and quantities.

Ad-hoc raw material cutting

Cc|reel manufacturing also offers the cc|reel slitting solution, which lets you quickly add raw materials to your stock by cutting it, without having to schedule resources and materials. Roll material that you have in stock (the wide reel) is fitted with the required quantity, and the small reel format is input. The entire quantity of wide roll material is posted from the stock, while the small rolls are a posted to the stock – that's it!

This feature is so well-optimized that it’s also easy to use from a mobile device.

Raw material cutting as a preliminary production stage

If the cutting of raw material is connected to another production operation, i.e. to a specific batch, it can be added either as a basic process step or as its own referenced preliminary production operation. The cc|product cockpit lets you easily map out the whole process and take advantage of what Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations has to offer. From there, the finished reel formats can either be recorded as raw materials again or as semi-finished products (HF) or work-in-progress (WIP).

Reel end cut

Finished products kept on reels are another special issue in reel manufacturing and ultimately in reel cutting, as well. For example, cc|combination can be used to print and manufacture multiple different smaller reels on a large parent reel. In the screenshot, you can see the combinations that are possible. A large reel is printed with 3 different patterns. In the second process step (reel slitting), this large reel is turned into 24 smaller printed reels featuring these 3 different patterns.


How does a reel manufacturer keep track of all their processes? It’s still up to the individual reel maker to decide how to convert large reels into small ones and whether to cross-cut, rewind or convert them. But thanks to Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Finance and Operations, at least it’s easy to keep track of it all! See a clear overview of your requirements, use it to generate production orders and schedule and post them in the system. Easily and efficiently report reel work steps and post times and quantities. Try it and see – our Reel manufacturing industry solution is tailored to your needs.


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The reel in every variety