Hello, my name is Dieter Kollmann and I have been a COSMOnaut for more than 10 years. How did I become part of the COSMO family?
I still remember it well! A dear friend of mine told me in autumn 2011 that the company he was currently working for was looking for someone to support the Inside Sales department. The two of us had worked together before and, as he always inspired me, and still does, I followed his lead and applied for the job. This ended up being one of the best decisions I have ever made.
During the first weeks, I received extensive training. Thanks to another encouraging person who supported me throughout the onboarding as my “buddy”, with his experience and tips, I settled in quickly. Microsoft Dynamics CRM has accompanied me from the very beginning and to me it is the best system to manage marketing and sales processes. You could easily say that I am a passionate user and fan of our CRM system.
The only constant in life is change
Since my beginnings at COSMO CONSULT more than 10 years ago, the way we work together has changed. New technologies and solutions found their way into our everyday lives, including Microsoft technologies and the number of products keeps on growing. Unstructured or structured data such as CRM data, social media posts and many others are instantly shared, released and collectively processed during virtual meetings on Microsoft Teams. I enjoy the comfort of digital teamwork!

Our reason why
Acting as a link between interested parties and sales, my colleagues and I in Inside Sales are fill the pipeline with marketing qualified leads (MQL) and develop those to sales qualified leads (SQL). We get interested parties hooked to our COSMO brand and position COSMO as a unique digitisation partner as well as top employer on the market.
From planning to segmentation, development and provision of content, through implementation of campaign activities, all the way to analysis – our oneCRM® fully maps our marketing campaigns. The customer journey is transparently documented while information, such as meeting minutes and touch points, are added. This creates a great basis for the dialogue with interested parties and clients. This enables us to support them with solutions for their challenges during the digital transformation.
Why be part of a team?
Today, our team is like a well-oiled machine. However, curiosity and the desire to try something new, questioning tasks and checking it for meaningfulness and effects, setting new goals, enjoying working together, making smart decisions - both as an individual and within the team - all this and more from the COSMO spirit, allows us to achieve our goals and grow together.
In my opinion, “better together” is the perfect slogan for this purpose. Inspiring and appreciative management while continuing to motivate is what I have experienced with my own direct supervisors. One principle that goes through from the very beginning is “put people in the centre”. Like everyone on the team, I contribute to making the potential of digitisation accessible to people for their benefit and success. I strongly believe in the “power of the people”.
Our team is more than just the sum of its parts. A good mix is the secret. What I appreciate and admire most about my colleagues, and indeed beyond, is their "power" and passion, their openness, willingness to help and their respect for others. This makes me really want to do my part. Over the past ten years, I have witnessed many great moments as part of the COSMO family. While working towards the best personal work-life balance, we have celebrated and laughed together, and this has brought us all together to grow as one large COSMO family. There is no inspiration without people!
I am proud to be part of this constantly growing family.
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