For more than twenty years, the COSMO CONSULT group has been a successful and well-established player in the manufacturing market thanks to its tailor-made industry solutions for contract, process and project-related manufacturing. This is emphasized by our continuously growing number of customers. Our intelligent solutions are always integrated into the extensive Microsoft Dynamics product family. With components such as Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Customer Relationship Management (CRM), human resource management (Talent), as well as supplementary solutions for Business Intelligence (BI) or Office, the Microsoft technology platform and the COSMO CONSULT solutions pave the way to digital end-to-end scenarios.
The COSMO CONSULT industry solutions are based on our comprehensive understanding of the particular requirements of the respective industry. This is not only reflected by the industry-specific functionality of every single module, but also by the close interconnection between the different solutions. Even complex processes such as in mixed-mode manufacturing are thus optimally supported.
Successful products can only be developed if we work together
One of the main reasons for the favorable market response is our co-innovation approach, which is the basis of the COSMO CONSULT product development process. Through this approach, Cosmo Consult uses its innovative strength to ensure that the customers’ ideas and wishes are always realized. As a result, new solutions as well as technological improvements are implemented which allow customers to be even more successful. The co-innovation approach is based on the belief that highly relevant and sophisticated solutions can only be established and enhanced by staying in tune with the market and communicating directly with people.
Customer innovation days as a platform for co-innovation
Our customer innovation days play a major role regarding this concept. They take place over the course of the year as a nationwide series of events at various COSMO CONSULT locations. They allow for greater customer proximity and emphasize the importance of cooperation. They are open to a group of interested customers wanting to participate actively in the further development of their industry solutions.
The goal is to collaboratively work out the current and future requirements for the industry solutions tailored to industrial companies. Workshops in small groups and one-to-one discussions are typical formats for our customer innovation days. Anyone can put forward their ideas and expectations – regardless of whether they are a business controller, inventory manager, IT manager, or production manager. The various workshops are organized and held by the respective industry managers, who seize this opportunity to inform the participants about features that have already been implemented or whose implementation is imminent. In addition, the future roadmap for COSMO CONSULT products is also presented on this occasion. Key notes on current market topics such as digital maturity, data & analytics or news from the Microsoft product range round off the event.
Conclusion: In the end, everyone wins
Both sides benefit from the co-innovation approach: The customers benefit because they become even more successful thanks to innovative solutions. At the same time, COSMO CONSULT fosters customer trust, which is crucial for successfully carrying out ERP projects. What is more, the company is also establishing a portfolio of high-performing, high-quality products. Continuous networking and personal contact furthermore contribute to the exchange of knowledge and allow us to learn from the experiences of others.
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