Business Process Optimization

What if you could get a bird's eye view of your processes and not miss anything? With process mining, you achieve far-reaching transparency and therefore an ideal starting point for automating processes.

You may have a good idea of what your processes should idealy look like. But wouldn't it be nice to know exactly how your processes actually look? Knowing exactly where you stand would help you eliminate process gaps, optimize processes, and better align workflows across your company. And knowing where to start will help you focus your efforts when it comes to managing change. This makes it much easier for your team to successfully implement digital transformation.

Modern process mining shows you what makes your company tick. It analyzes the processes of your production systems. As a result, you benefit from greater transparency, maintain an overview, can reliably recognize bottlenecks and directly address weak points.

Optimise business processes with process mining

Imagine being able to identify process inefficiencies in purchasing that are costing you real money with just a few clicks. Or, just as easily, find out which customers are behind on their payments but still receive discounts. Process mining is a method that allows you to intuitively identify inefficient processes. It gives you an objective picture of how your company works. And it does so in real time. This makes it much easier for your team to identify opportunities for optimization, reduce throughput times, and continuously improve business processes.

Advantages of our consulting for successful business process optimisation

Recognising process gaps

Identify process gaps and variances so you can optimize your processes.

Address weaknesses

You can benefit from greater transparency and can more readily identify weaknesses in your processes.

Continuously monitor processes

By continuously monitoring your processes, you can consistently achieve optimization successes.

Automate processes

You will develop clearly structured processes that can be easily automated using digital technologies.

Identify process deviations and gaps in digital workflows

Imagine that you can easily understand your process landscape like a children's picture book, and that detailed analysis becomes child's play because you can clearly see deviations when you look closely. When you compare the current state with the target state, you immediately know where along the process chain there are still problems with the digital process. Process mining allows you to keep track of complex processes and structures. This allows you to make good progress with your digital transformation and avoid cost increases.

Process automation as the next level of optimisation

Process mining technologies make your processes digitally traceable. Everything becomes much more transparent. And this harbours enormous potential for automating processes. Just think of low code/no code platforms and data-driven automation. This allows you to leave daily routine activities to IT. And because your employees are sustainably relieved and errors are practically eliminated, this is a reason for everyone to celebrate. The great thing about it: with machine learning and intelligent data management, there are no limits to automation. And if you continuously monitor the results, you can look forward to new optimisation successes every day.

Data Driven Automation

You shape the future of your company with every decision you make. Combine well-founded decisions and agile processes. With data-driven and automated workflows, you can make more precise decisions for greater competitiveness and a thriving culture of innovation.


Data strategy

The effectiveness of artificial intelligence (AI) depends on the quality of the data it is trained on. That's why a professional data strategy is an important pillar for the successful deployment of AI. We will work with you to develop use cases and a concrete roadmap for implementing your data strategy.


After the implementation of Microsoft Dynamics NAV, things have changed dramatically. Whereas before the ERP solution was implemented we were not able to accurately quantify production costs, now it takes a maximum of 10 minutes to find out the cost of a new product for configuration. We are also able to know costs and profit in real time at both product category and product level.

Marius Mărginean, Phoenix Mecano Plastic - IT Manager

Thanks to the support of COSMO CONSULT experts, we are able to ensure the regulatory compliance of our products in Europe and internationally. The digitization of our processes and the implementation of Life Sciences business applications enable us, among other things, to reduce audit preparation times, restrict the sale of certain products to certain customers/markets, and control the purchase of products from qualified suppliers.

Cédric Renkes, CIO, ELITechGroup

There has been a clear improvement. Nowadays, we are much more efficient when it comes to client tracking and client contact. There are things which can make everyday life much easier.

Mateu Iglesias, Sales Manager Penélope CAD

We've grown by 15 percent over the last seven years - while keeping the number of employees steady. It is Dynamics 365 and COSMO CONSULT that are responsible for our continuing productivity gains.

Olaf Schneider, Managing Director of Hans-Joachim Schneider GmbH

We were looking for a solution that offered more speed and room for process optimisation. At the latest when it became clear that our constantly growing volume of documents would endanger the stability of the system in the long term, it was high time for a change.

Jannis Friedag, Head of Finance by sofatutor

If you don't know exactly where you stand and simply need ideas and impressions, the digitization check is a good tool.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director at Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

With Microsoft Dynamics CRM, we can create and process customer-related quotations in high quality. We can track them and, of course, close them.

Heiko Voß, Managing Director, TITAN MACHINERY

In cooperation with our employees and our customers, our CRM solution has become a key success factor in our company.

Andreas Kohl, Branch Manager, REXEL Austria GmbH

Microsoft Dynamics creates free resources through automation. This allows me to use people for what I pay them for. For example, for thinking and acting.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director, Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

We want our people to approach work with fun and curiosity and to come out of the company with more energy. Microsoft Dynamics is the system that best supports us in this.

Lorenz Linner, Managing Director, Linner GmbH Werkzeugfabrik

Microsoft Dynamics CRM helps us expand our expertise, externally and internally. Internally, we benefit from uniform, efficient business processes. Externally, we can address our customers even more specifically with new products.

Jeronimo Porras, Managing Director, UBE Europe GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 CRM, we now have the opportunity to turn our visions and our ideas into reality. Whether lead marketing, lead scoring or marketing automation. There are no more interfaces and no more system breaks. That was a major factor in the decision.

Alexander Knor, Head of Marketing & Sales Operations at LogicLine Europe

Whereas in the past a lot of scheduling had to be done manually, we now feed Microsoft Dynamics with procurement and planning-relevant dates such as lead times or capacity issues. The software then calculates 90 to 95 percent of everything for us without manual process management.

Alexander Kunik, Head of Administration at Sasse Elektronik GmbH

With Microsoft Dynamics and COSMO project, we can map our tasks and special tasks in individual projects in all areas. This is a very excellent and comfortable situation for us.

Heiko Loroff, Managing Director Sächsische Binnenhäfen Oberelbe GmbH

Whereas in the past a lot of scheduling had to be done manually, we now feed Microsoft Dynamics with dates relevant to procurement and planning, such as lead times or capacity issues. The software then calculates everything for us 90 to 95 percent of the time without manual process management.

Alexander Kunik, Head of Administration at Sasse Elektronik GmbH.

Qlik View has allowed us to significantly streamline the process from data sourcing and preparation to report generation, both in terms of time and quality.

Jens Kersten, Head of Operations Organization at THÜSAC Personenverkehrsgesellschaft mbH.

With Microsoft Dynamics 365 Sales & Marketing, we have streamlined and simplified our processes. Instead of searching through confusing Excel lists, Sales now sees their current leads & sales opportunities in a structured way and can focus on customer care.

Christoph Standl, Founder and Board Member, Tourismus Interaktiv AG

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have more information available to us today than ever before. Our processes run smoothly and they have a consistently high quality. That's exactly how we envisioned it.

Phil Norris, Strategic Project Manager at VirtaMed

Transfer runs that often used to take hours are completed in a matter of minutes with Microsoft Dynamics. Current data, for example from the cash registers, is thus available to us much sooner.

Susann Mitschke, Team Leader of Commercial Services at Beteiligungs- und Betriebsgesellschaft Bautze

In our country, salespeople are also project managers. They benefit from a complete overview of presales, project monitoring to customer billing. Dynamics and Power BI's multi-device and remote access fit perfectly with our international development strategy.

Romain Bournet, Managing Director of Bilsing Automation France and Head of Asia & Brazil

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have a flexible system that allows us to quickly set up interfaces and further improve workflows.

Andreas Sperber, IT Manager at DBV

Today, if something changes in a process or project, everyone involved is automatically informed - no matter where they are. This eliminates time-consuming coordination runs and double entries. Benefits like these can be experienced every day and are the reason why technologies like Microsoft Dynamics are so important to us.

Jens Herbig, team leader at Finanz Data GmbH.

With COSMO CrefoDynamics, we save a lot of time and always work with the latest information.

Simone Gräßlin, Hostettler GmbH

Thanks to Qlik View, we have quick access to all the metrics that are relevant to us and can analyze data flexibly - from a bird's eye view to a detailed level.

Michael Weisshaupt, Head of IT, KGM Kugelfabrik GmbH & Co.KG.

Microsoft Dynamics has allowed us to greatly simplify key workflows and reduce the amount of time our team spends on them.

Ing. Horst Kögl, Managing Director of Kögl GmbH.

With Microsoft Dynamics, we have currently achieved a 200 percent improvement in production.

Ralf Kreider, authorized signatory and IT and operations manager at Lucas-Nülle GmbH

You can't necessarily say that we can do something now that we couldn't do before, but everything was more complicated, took longer and was more error-prone. We work much more efficiently with Microsoft Dynamics and the COSMO modules. What we can do, we can now do better, faster.

Ralf Kreider, authorized signatory and IT and operations manager at Lucas-Nülle GmbH

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Business Process Optimization