#data strategy
For companies that rely on the power of their data
Going digital is an important step for your business. But without the right strategy, you could be headed in the wrong direction. Your data is too valuable to let that happen, because it is the key to your future success. Our Data Analytics & AI platform helps your team untangle the many threads and generate valuable digital knowledge from raw data. And with a unified database, your team can leverage this treasure trove of data at any time. There are also smart tools that help you evaluate performance and make the right decisions in critical situations. After all, the more you know, the easier it is to assess risks, identify trends, and focus on customers and their ideas and needs.

How to analyze even large data sets quickly, easily and precisely
The data analytics platform comprises three areas: Data Management brings together data from different sources. Data Analytics presents your data graphically to support you in operational decisions. Data Science predicts future trends and creates data-driven processes.
This means that many things will no longer exist in your company in the future: Uncertainty in the team, barriers to thought, and unanswered questions. With the data analytics platform, your team can collect and analyze data from a variety of sources with just a few clicks. And with efficient tools, facts and correlations are illuminated with pinpoint accuracy. And because data-driven processes and artificial intelligence automatically monitor key metrics, more knowledge means less work. This is the next level of data analysis and it is very easy.
Scalable, because digital mountains of data are constantly growing
Some sensors deliver values every millisecond, which leads to huge amounts of data during data analysis. Cloud-based data analytics solutions are available so that you don't have to worry about storage capacity and computing power even in these big data scenarios. For complex data queries in real time, you can scale both dynamically - according to your requirements. This puts you in the fast lane whenever you need to be. And thanks to innovative technologies such as parallel processing or in-memory analytics, your data is processed particularly quickly and analyzed even faster. If the additional infrastructure is no longer needed, all it takes is a click to switch it off again. This allows your team to work efficiently and save costs at the same time. What's more, modern data analytics systems are structured like a modular system. If your team needs machine learning to filter large data sets, for example, you can simply add the functions. And there is much more to discover: The spectrum ranges from real-time analyses to process mining and artificial intelligence (AI).
Intelligent, so that you get more out of your data
Suppose your team could analyze data at lightning speed - and thus deliver exactly the right insights for every decision: comprehensible, transparent, objective and to the point. Then many decisions would no longer be made intuitively, but on the basis of solid facts. Thanks to analyzable data models and mathematical algorithms, your team can now deal much better with potentials, probabilities and prospects. And because the situation on dynamic markets can change quickly, artificial intelligence constantly monitors your data and updates the results. So instead of struggling through the data jungle day in, day out, your team uses the time gained to draw the right conclusions and act accordingly.
Flexible, because data is not just data
The biggest problem with data analysis is often the many different places where data is stored. Do you know how many different applications, apps and systems are used in your company? All of these data sources have different interfaces and structures - and new sources are added almost daily. Why not rely on a central platform where all company data flows together? With regular data cleansing, accurate information is virtually guaranteed. Your team can easily compare, logically link or consolidate data - and immediately provide the right answers to all conceivable questions. Our data analytics platform is equipped with standardized connectors so that you can easily integrate practically any data source into your analysis structure. The result is a uniform database that provides your team with a comprehensive picture, creates trust and inspires everyone.
Clear, so that your employees are better informed
As we all know, a picture is worth a thousand words. That's why you can use our data analytics platform to intuitively visualize key figures and create impressive reports - as if you had never done anything else. Correlations and situations can be grasped much more quickly and decisions can be made accurately and without delay. And speed is often the decisive factor in day-to-day business. Because different facts count for finance, human resources or marketing, each department in your company can set up its own reporting system. This means that the information that is crucial for the respective job is always available. In production and logistics, your employees can even use augmented reality to display key figures and reports on machines or warehouse areas in data glasses to get to the bottom of discrepancies immediately. All key figures and diagrams are constantly updated so that everyone in the team is always up to date. And to ensure that everyone has a complete overview even when on the move or working from home, the business figures can also be called up on a tablet, smartphone or smartwatch.
Simply so that you are more successful
Digital transformation, big data, data analytics, machine learning and process mining - admittedly, that sounds pretty complex. That's why it's particularly important that everything is simple in the end. Our Data & Analytics solutions are so easy to understand that your team can familiarize themselves with them easily and intuitively. No extensive prior knowledge or expert knowledge is required. Your employees will have fun and enjoy working out patterns or scrutinizing business figures with modern analysis tools right from the start. And after just a short training period, your team will be able to react much faster and achieve clear competitive advantages with well-founded decisions. Advanced analytical methods such as advanced analytics help to identify trends and risks at an early stage - an unbeatable advantage for you.
Secure to protect your business
You are not the only one with an interest in your business data. That's why we make no compromises when it comes to security. Your data and processes are absolutely secure and protected against unauthorized access at all times in the Microsoft Cloud or the COSMO Cloud. Advanced encryption technologies and security architectures protect your company from risks and data loss - and ensure that everyone can sleep soundly. In addition, your team benefits from Microsoft's proactive measures to detect and eliminate threats in good time. This allows your team to focus on business challenges without worrying about data leaks or hacker attacks. Reassuring, isn't it?

- Flexible expansion and reduction of storage and computing capacities.
- Reliable data for well-founded decisions.
- Standardized data management simplifies in-depth analyses.
- Clear and meaningful diagrams and key figures.
- Prepared for artificial intelligence thanks to a standardized database.
- Professional security functions protect your data.
Apps and connections for platform data analytics & AI
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