The ERP system that inspires your digital transformation
Do you ever get the feeling that the world around you is getting more and more complicated all the time?
Products and services are becoming more complex, customers are becoming more demanding, and regulatory requirements are becoming more stringent. What you need is a business solution that makes your life easier. Microsoft understands this and has taken classic ERP to a new level with Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management. Advanced AI technologies, functional diversity and high flexibility live in symbiosis with easy maintenance and user-friendliness in this system - this is ERP for the digital age.
Finance & Supply Chain Management vs. Business Central - which suits your company?
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management and Business Central are market-leading ERP and business platforms. Finance & Supply Chain Management is for the more complex business processes and special regulatory requirements of large companies and global corporations.

Rethinking business - managing complexity
Success is not a given: local and international markets are highly competitive and constantly changing. To realize their ideas and visions for the future, businesses need solutions that have their back and are as flexible, agile, and innovative as they are.
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management is the perfect platform for companies that are programmed for growth and the development of new business areas. Cutting-edge cloud technologies make manufacturing, logistics, supply chain management, and financial planning future-proof - while keeping investment and operating costs low. And when it comes to getting started, those familiar with classic Microsoft Office solutions will feel right at home thanks to seamless integration with the Microsoft ecosystem.

System of unlimited possibilities
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management is the latest version of the long-established ERP platform that began its global triumph under the names Microsoft Axapta and Dynamics 365 AX. The system is highly scalable, flexible, and mobile, and unifies key business areas such as purchasing and sales, finance, production, and logistics. For your company, this means end-to-end digital workflows, elimination of redundancies, less need for coordination, and a better overview of your business. Thanks to cloud technology, everything is automatically up to date. And, of course, you can activate additional workstations, features, or applications as needed. When you connect other platforms in the Microsoft ecosystem, such as Power Apps, Power BI, or the Office solutions in Microsoft 365, you open up a digital world of unlimited possibilities.

Think globally - the world is your market
There is immense potential in expanding your business across national borders - recent market research has shown that sales can increase by more than 50 percent immediately.
However, companies targeting international markets also face significant challenges. Different languages, cultures, and regulatory requirements must be managed.
ERP platforms are critical. They need to meet all local requirements and consolidate all business data.
This is the strength of Microsoft Dynamics 365 FSCM. The platform supports the fiscal specifics of more than 40 countries out of the box and can handle as many languages. The architecture of the system was built from the ground up to support multi-site scenarios and cross-company processes with global master data - you could say that international business is the DNA of Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management.
Supply chains without nasty surprises
The world of companies today is literally the whole world. Many products contain the services of international business partners who are networked in vertical supply chains. Market changes and strategic decisions therefore not only affect your own processes, but also those of your suppliers and customers. Use a business solution that allows you to keep an eye on everything, manage the entire supply chain efficiently and react immediately in the event of capacity restrictions, critical material availability or logistical problems.
Finances good - all good
Nomen est omen: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance & Supply Chain Management has a pronounced penchant for financial management. With just a few clicks, you can get an in-depth overview of your company's financial situation - in real time. Are you dealing with complex international structures and finances? No problem: the system also supports you with your cross-border transactions. It is multi-currency and multi-language capable, includes functionalities for exchange rate regulation and maps the commercial and tax law particularities of many countries.
Security is priority 1
ERP platforms are business-critical and the data processed on them is highly sensitive. Operational security and data protection therefore have top priority. At the same time, we are experiencing how organized data theft and cyberattacks are becoming growing challenges. However, many companies do not have the expertise or resources to focus on this. Thanks to the latest ERP technology from the Microsoft cloud, this is no problem for you. You now have your own cybersecurity center with thousands of employees worldwide who are dedicated to protecting your systems from attacks.
ERP can be so simple
ERP-Lösungen galten lange als hochkomplexe Systeme, die den Unternehmen bei Einrichtung und Einarbeitung viel abverlangen. Die Zeiten sind vorbei. Die Implementierung moderner Business-Plattformen ist dank Cloud-Deployment keine große Sache mehr. Um Wartung und Updates müssen Sie sich nicht kümmern. Und was das Thema Anwenderfreundlichkeit betrifft: Die Nähe zu den bekannten Office-Tools und die einfache Anpassbarkeit an persönliche Anforderungen und Arbeitsweisen sorgen dafür, dass sich alle in ihrer Arbeit wie zu Hause fühlen.
Artificial intelligence on board
The triumph of artificial intelligence does not stop at Microsoft's top ERP solutions. With Microsoft Copilot, FSCM has one of the world's most advanced AI assistants on board. In addition, intelligent data technologies such as Power BI or Microsoft Azure Machine Learning help you to identify quality problems at an early stage, reduce stock levels, optimize maintenance cycles for machines and systems or create business forecasts in real time.
Bereit für Ihr Wachstum
Viele Business-Lösungen stoßen an ihre Grenzen, wenn sich das Geschäft weiterentwickelt oder wenn neue Markttrends entstehen. Kein Thema bei Microsoft: Hier haben Sie die Zukunft Ihres Geschäfts bereits eingebaut. Das System lässt sich nicht nur einfach individuell anpassen und skalieren, es ist auch nahtlos in das End-to-End-Portfolio aller Microsoft-Business-Applikationen integriert – von Office über CRM bis hin zu Speziallösungen für Ihre aktuellen oder zukünftigen Branchenanforderungen. Und wenn Ihnen das noch nicht reicht, können Sie mit den Microsoft Power Apps mühelos Ihre eigenen Anwendungen bauen oder Geschäftsprozesse um zusätzliche Funktionen erweitern.

- Advanced functions for financial and supply chain management.
- Global trade management - cross-location workflows and global supply chains.
- Extremely scalable and customizable.
- Built-in operational and data security and international compliance management.
- Perfectly integrated into the Microsoft world.
- Latest Microsoft AI technology.
- Supply Chain Planning.
Apps and connections for the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Finance and Supply Chain Management platform
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